
All You Need To Know About Bullets Ammoload Machines That Make Bullets | BindaasBro

2017-06-24 1 Dailymotion

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If you’re like the vast majority of hunters and shooters, you probably don’t give the process of manufacturing the ammo you use a lot of thought. It's actually amazing what happens long before your firing pin moves. Reloaders, don’t tune out just yet…

Not long ago I was invited to tour Remington’s ammunition plant outside Little Rock, Arkansas. At 1200 acres and roughly an employee per acre, it’s kind of a big deal. Looking at it another way, this Remington ammo plant cranks out a staggering 7,000,000+ rounds every day! That, and more than a quarter million component parts a day, too! I found the processes mesmerizing and created a video to take you there.

Allow me to give you some context...

Remington has been manufacturing ammunition at this Lonoke facility since 1970, but some of the machines have been churning out ammo since long before. Skilled technicians keep refining the machines, updating and rebuilding them to ensure quality and keep them running efficiently. This year, however, they added a new state of the art plant behind the iconic landmark facility off Interstate 40.

Counting the new high tech plant out back, Remington has the equivalent of 13+ football fields under roof at its ammo plant. That covers offices, the shot tower, R&D facilities, Gun Club, storage, almost 1300 manufacturing machines, and a myriad of other things.

So what does it take to feed the appetite of Remington ammo and component buyers? Lots of raw materials and resources:

A million pounds of copper per month
124,000 pounds of lead per day
16,700 gallons of water per hour

Those are impressive numbers, but it was the process itself that blew me away. The scale at which Remington churns out ammunition is remarkable. I wish I could show you the .22 rounds just pouring out of the machines! But those machines and others were on the no pictures, no videos list…

Most people will never get to go inside a facility like the Remington ammunition plant, so I created this video to get you as close a look as possible. So much happens before your firing pin ever strikes a primer. I think you’ll enjoy it, so watch and share!